
strategic communication


Training duration: 4 hours

Price for 4 hours: CZK 19,900 (we are not VAT payers)

Maximum number of people: optimal number of people 10

Implementation of training:

1) In person, i.e. we will come to your company/organization. In the case of on-site training, it is necessary to provide a projector and an Internet connection. Travel reimbursements are calculated according to the current valid decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for the given period.

2) Online via Microsoft-Teams. In the case of online training, however, there is less space for interactive activities with training participants.

Training content: the training imparts theoretical knowledge, a range of practical recommendations and engages the trainees in countless interactive tasks.

  1. Introduction to strategic communication – Basic principles and importance of strategic communication.
  2. Strategic communication vs PR
  3. Strategic communication cycle – The gradual process of strategic communication from planning to evaluation.
  4. Selecting target groups – How to correctly identify and address target groups.
  5. Identification of key communication platforms vis-à-vis the target group – Selection of the most suitable communication channels for effectively addressing the target group.
  6. Framing of communication tactics – Formulation and structuring of communication tactics.
  7. The psychology of the receiver of information – An explanation of how people think and why rational argumentation often does not work in communication.
  8. Use of “behavioural nudging” within strategic communication – Use of behavioral techniques to subtly influence people’s decisions and behavior.
  9. Use of strategic communication in combating reputational risks – How to communicate strategically within a targeted disinformation campaign and protect your reputation.
  10. Sharing of  ‘’good experiences’’ from abroad (Great Britain, France, Estonia, etc.).

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us at