About Us

CSC is a political and security risk research and consulting firm. Our team aims to help our clients (government, business enterprises, academia, think-tanks, and individuals) to improve policy and decision-making through research and bespoke analysis. We help clients make informed decisions in areas where understanding the security and political landscape is critical.

CSC analysts and consultants continue to be on the cutting edge of their fields, working with decision-makers in the public and private sectors to find solutions to today’s complex, sensitive, and important problems. 

CSC analysts and consultants are trained social scientists with post-graduate degrees and extensive professional governmental, academic or business experience. Headquartered in Prague as well as a vast network of experts around the world.

CSC specialities are Disinformation Analysis, Cyber-Security, Strategic Communication, Energy Security, Global political risk consulting, Geopolitical analysis, Politics, Foreign affairs, International relations, Management consulting, Market strategy and Security Training and Education.

CSC is a partner organization of the Center for Security Analysis and Prevention (www.cbap.cz, Prague).